John Durston won the top section with a perfect 3.0 score, worth $25.00. Michael Hatcher and Benny Thottakkara tied for second garnering $5.00 each.
Mark Kunish had a perfect score in the Reserve section, winning $20.00. Roland Gadbois and Ethan Yang also tied for second, winning $5.00 each.
Thanks for playing!
Event ID: 201603138922 Event Name: MARCH_SWISS Location: AUSTIN TX 78749 Event Dates: 2016-03-13 - 2016-03-13 Stats: 2 Sections, 17 Players, 18 Games Affiliate: A6024458 AUSTIN CHESS CLUB Chief TD: 11520481 DREW SARKISIAN Asst Chief TD: Section: 1 ONLY Section Dates: 2016-03-13 - 2016-03-13 Sec Chief TD: 11520481 DREW SARKISIAN Sec Asst Chf TD: Stats: 3 Rounds, 8 Players, 8 Games, Swiss Rating Stats: Regular Ratings Full K Dates: Received: 2016-04-03, Entered: 2016-04-03, Rated: 2016-04-03 Re-Rated: 2016-04-03 Memb ID PAIR NAME ST PRERATE PSTRATE 1 2 3 TOTAL -------- ---- ----------------- -- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- 12560685 1 DURSTON, JOHN TX 2015* 2020* W---6 W---2 X---0 3.0 12533271 2 HATCHER, MICHAEL TX 1645* 1666* W---8 L---1 X---0 2.0 15483021 3 THOTTAKKARA, BENN TX 1701* 1724* D---5 D---4 W---7 2.0 10141699 4 KOLTS, JOHN H TX 1859* 1830* L---7 D---3 B---0 1.5 13426590 5 TURGUT, BARIS TX 1715* 1731* D---3 W---7 F---0 1.5 15801091 6 MULL, DANIEL TX 1587/09 1580/10 L---1 B---0 F---0 1.0 15458740 7 FELIPE-FUENTES, F TX 1671* 1667* W---4 L---5 L---3 1.0 15082053 8 YEUNG, WESLEY TX 1775* 1752* L---2 H---0 U---0 0.5 Section: 2 ONLYA Section Dates: 2016-03-13 - 2016-03-13 Sec Chief TD: 11520481 DREW SARKISIAN Sec Asst Chf TD: Stats: 3 Rounds, 9 Players, 10 Games, Swiss Rating Stats: Regular Ratings Full K Dates: Received: 2016-04-03, Entered: 2016-04-03, Rated: 2016-04-03 Re-Rated: 2016-04-03 Memb ID PAIR NAME ST PRERATE PSTRATE 1 2 3 TOTAL -------- ---- ----------------- -- ------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- 12872254 1 KUNISH, MARK ERIC TX 1316* 1468* W---2 W---9 W---3 3.0 14623156 2 GADBOIS, ROLAND TX 1474* 1468* L---1 B---0 W---8 2.0 15071136 3 YANG, ETHAN TX 1506* 1501* W---6 W---8 L---1 2.0 13784637 4 MILLIERN, DAVID W IN 1606* 1611* W---5 H---0 U---0 1.5 14140920 5 DETCHEVERRY, MIKE TX 1221* 1248* L---4 H---0 W---9 1.5 15616020 6 GAO, TIANWEN TX 1105* 1151* L---3 W---7 H---0 1.5 10402701 7 MC LEMORE, SAMUEL TX 1601* 1600* L---8 L---6 B---0 1.0 14393123 8 SUBRAMANIAN, RAVI TX 1363* 1364* W---7 L---3 L---2 1.0 12716072 9 SAYERS, KEITH TX 1360* 1313* H---0 L---1 L---5 0.5