
Contact Us

You may contact us via email at austinchessclub@gmail.com. This is the best method of contacting us, and will ensure a timely response.

Visit us at the club most any Saturday 3:00pm-9:00pm. We meet at the at the Upbring School of Arts and Sciences, located at 6700 3407 Red River Street, Austin, 78705.

If you are scheduled to play and cannot make the round, please send us email before Saturday at 10:00am or, if that's not possible, leave a message with your name and section you are playing in at (512) 637-6098.

We are not affiliated with any scholastic chess tournaments that are held in the Austin area, nor do we normally have any information about them. Please check out www.austinchesstournaments.com as a potential source for more information, including a list of regular weekly chess activity in the Austin area, some of the upcoming scholastic tournaments, etc.

This phone number is not intented to supply general information about the Austin Chess Club; please use the number only if you cannot make a scheduled game. If the web site doesn't seem to have answers to your question(s), please send email to austinchessclub@gmail.com.